Busy doesn't even begin to summarize the past couple of months. As you must have noticed, blogging has been low on my 'to do' list. I finally posted my Lake Sacandaga pictures to my flickr page & I got some knitting finished!
Sure the views were great (I thought it was super cool that the locals had a hammock at the top)

But like most good things the getting there part can be a little rough...

On the knitting front...I was cleaning the house & got really frustrated with myself that I had let several projects languish since casting them on last fall or earlier this spring. I suppose I had a case of start-itis. Now, I'm feeling the weight of things left incomplete & are directly blocking the flow of forward momentum & positive energy in my life. Thus began the Finish before Fall Project.
So far I finished Zappa's Pirate sweater -- complete with glow in the dark skull & crossbones. Salta's Pink & black sweater has been started.

The Eastlake sweater is finished. It took me nearly 2 weeks to get in the mood to sew up the ends. Yesterday I finally had the inspiration I needed....wear it out to dinner (the 20 degree drop in temp in just 2 days made wearing a sweater a possibility). I finished sewing in the last end 10 minutes before heading out the door to the try the new Mexican restaurant in town (great drinks--service is sluggish & dis-organized, especially since this is the 3rd restaurant these people have openned. Hopefully they will get the staffing kinks worked out soon). This sweater is photographed without being blocked first. It will be getting washed this weekend to set all those sewn in ends.

So what is left to finish?
Rick socks (1.5 socks to go)

Lace bamboo wrap skirt (one pattern repeat & edgings)

Modern quilt wrap (much knitting to go....my goal is to do another row of boxes by Fall & another row of boxes by the end of the year.)

Don't forget only 118 days until Christmas--Get knitting!!