The weather today is complete crap. Although I must admit that I did have fun baja-ing into work at the hospital this morning & then back into my parking lot. I love my Subaru! The only thing that could make it better would be snow tires. I advocate practicing driving maneuvers in an empty parking lot when the weather turns snowy/icey. I feel more confident driving in wacky weather when I know how my car will respond under certain conditions.
I finished nearly all my holiday knitting!!!! I even got Salta to model the alligator scarf for me today! I only have a bath mitt & the other shadow knitting pot holder to go. I dropped the idea of making mittens for my BIL & FIL 'cause my hubby said "no one wears mittens". So, I'll make a pair of mittens for myself & possibly a hat for the hubby.
I am finding myself already thinking about what my next project will be. The urge to cast-on is strong! I think my will power is stronger. I have other distractions: laundry, making soup for dinner, finishing Xmas gifts. Crap! I just remembered that I still need to sew a lining into the small felted bag.
I've been giving some thought to resolutions for 2008. Usually I settle on something completely attainable & fairly simple to integrate into my life--drink more water, floss more regularly, etc. However, next year we are hoping to leave condo life & get a house of our own. That means that I need to de-clutter the craft corner of the bedroom, replace the carpet, and begin to pack little things. I started 2 weeks ago by packing up the fly tying supplies. Now I need to organize the yarn & finish up some loose ends. I'm still trying to formulate my actual resolution, so you will just need to stay tuned.
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