September is a busy month for me normally--bike riding, birthdays, my anniversary, last chance to squeeze in vacations, and special events for my business. Then add to that the unexpected--someone resigned at my "day" job (this would be the job where I get my insurance benefit) & I've been filling in to cover, my practice has been busy, I was invited to be a guest speaker to talk about yoga, and my 14 year old cat, Nutmeg, went into kidney failure & had to be put down. After all that, this past weekend I finally got some "me" time playing with fiber.
This past Saturday Kris from
The Painted Sheep spoke at my spinning guild meeting about dying fiber. I've been wanting to do this all year! To prepare for my own dye pot trials, I purchased a few books, some basic dyes, some bare yarn & fiber, cheap stock pots, etc. I was so glad that I had asked for the weekend off 'cause then I found out that there was a follow-up workshop on Sunday--I signed up right away. Below are my results:
BFL roving (candy corn colorway)
Alpaca/Merino/Silk blended roving (sherbert colorway)

Tencel Merino roving (try to match Kris's socks colorway)

Superwash Sock yarn (caribbean colorway)

The following are pictures of my hubby sewing!!! Now before you think how lucky I am...the material he prefers to use for this task is fishing line. He agreed to give sewing thread a shot in this photo op.

For knitting: I finished my 7th pair of sock wars socks. USPS confirmed delivery yesterday10/6. I'm not dead yet--then again, I haven't visited the mailbox yet either. I'll post my death socks as soon as I get them.
I cast on for the modern quilt wrap & a skull & cross bones dog sweater. Ogee lace skirt needs to be frogged to rescue line & work out the error in the last pattern repeat--will need some wine for that. All of this is being tempered by the strong urge to spin my freshly dyed rovings---Thanks Kris for the great workshop!